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Intento Announces Intento Translator for ServiceCloud on AppExchange

SAN FRANCISCO, April 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Intento, a leading machine translation (MT) and generative AI platform, announced it had launched Intento Translator for Service Cloud on Salesforce AppExchange.

Intento Translator for Salesforce Service Cloud enables chat agents to speak in the customer’s native language when responding to real-time support desk inquiries in Salesforce. Using a combination of machine translation and generative AI in its automatic translation workflows, Intento detects the language of the customer and agent and seamlessly translates it into the language each is using, while keeping the desired tone of voice and maintaining up to 98% understandability without human effort, as measured by user feedback.

Why it matters: Expanding customer service used to come at the cost of hiring agents in different languages and in multiple time zones. 70% of customers say they feel more loyal to companies that offer support in their native language, and instant responses are increasingly expected: 64% of people say they expect businesses to respond and interact with them in real-time. As a result, it’s becoming more important for customer service to appear seamless, authentic, and local.

"With the GenAI of the Intento Language Hub, we’re able to exceed the complex requirements of real-time multilingual communication, allowing Salesforce users to harness the full power of AI-driven translations," said Konstantin Savenkov, CEO of Intento. "This breakthrough ensures accuracy, brand consistency, and the nuanced understanding that today’s global customer base demands. Together with Salesforce, we continue to set new standards of what’s possible with AI and customer service."

With this integration, Intento customers can now:

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About Intento

Intento is a leading machine translation (MT) and generative AI platform. They focus on supporting global companies in building excellent language experiences for all markets and audiences.

Their main offering, the Enterprise Language Hub, combines machine translation models with generative AI to deliver high-quality translations in real-time. They enable automatic translation workflows tailored to customer data, integrating into customers’ existing software systems and multiple business functions.

Customers of Intento report being able to translate 20 times more content than before and increase productivity by up to five times. There’s no need to be an AI expert to work with Intento, as they offer expert guidance in setting up and maintaining your machine translation and AI models, refining them continually based on new data and customer feedback.

To contact Intento or for more information, please visit

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